Welcome to my personal homepage! I’m a passionate software developer with a love for coding that began in my childhood, when I first explored Visual Basic .NET. This early fascination led me to focus on computer science throughout my studies. After completing my bachelor’s in computer science at RWTH Aachen, I’m now pursuing my master’s at the University of Cologne. My main interests lie in backend development, distributed systems, and DevOps, with a special focus on Infrastructure as Code (IaC). Currently, I’m applying these skills at Infolytics AG. When I’m not coding, you’ll find me on the badminton court, bouldering, or climbing. Explore my timeline to learn more about my journey and experience!
Cloud Providers
Containers and Infrastructure
Others Technologies
Data Warehouse Frontend - Commercial Project
Signal Data Platform (SDP) - Commercial Project
Bachelor's Thesis: AIxCell Project - Fraunhofer IPT
Successfully migrated an existing AutoML pipeline from the AIxCell project led by the Fraunhofer IPT to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI), specifically utilizing their fully managed Kubernetes cluster service "Container Engine for Kubernetes" (OKE). My primary task involved analyzing their local setup and migrating it to Kubernetes, enabling the execution of machine learning pipelines as tasks on suitable hardware while developing the surrounding business processes.
I added the functionality of image upload and integrated image annotation through Label Studio into their existing React application. Additionally, I developed a RESTful service that managed the execution of the AutoML pipeline on the cluster and reported results back to the frontend, where users could verify the outcomes.